sewts - Automated Handling With Physical AI

We have enabled robots with human-like perception for seamless handling of soft materials.

Our mission

Simplifying complex manual labor into streamlined automation.

At sewts, we are bridging one of the last gaps of automation and opening up entirely new spheres of application for robotics.

By providing robots with human-like perception skills, we make the automated handling of deformable materials possible.

Innovation across the textile spectrum

Fabricating the future: robotic mastery in textile operations

Experience the apex of textile innovation with sewts' robots — where advanced automation meets fabric care, streamlining operations, and pioneering smart, adaptable solutions.

Experience the apex of textile innovation with sewts's robots — where advanced automation meets fabric care, streamlining operations, and pioneering smart, adaptable solutions.

Unveil cutting-edge robots designed for delicate textile interaction, where technology enhances every fibre.
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Industrial laundries
Introducing the VELUM system, our game changing solution for the industrial laundry business.
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Automating automation
We automate what others can’t, making robotic handling of easily deformable materials accessible for everybody.
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sewts in the press

Latest articles

Have a look in our articles and press lease to deep dive into the world of sewts.
x-Technik Automation: Roboter automatisieren das Wäsche-Handling
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Eine Automatisierungslücke in Großwäschereien schließt nun das Start-up Sewts in Großwäschereien.

6 April 2024
R+W Textilservice: Verarbeitung von Verformbarem
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Das Münchner Robotik-Startup sewts hat sein erstes Produkt erfolgreich auf den Markt gebracht. Die erste Auslieferung des Systems VELUM, mit dem Robotik Einzug in industrielle Großwäschereien hält, wurde im vergangenen November abgeschlossen.

8 March 2023
Handelsblatt: sewts bringt Robotern das Handtuchfalten bei
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Das Münchener Start-up hat eine Steuerungs- und Bildverarbeitungssoftware entwickelt, die es Robotern ermöglicht, das Verhalten von forminstabilen Materialien beim Greifen in Echtzeit vorherzusagen.

20 Jan 2023

Partnering for innovation

Together with our partners, we’re crafting the future of textile robotics.